Tributes to Adam from Friends
Ben Maris
“Adam Rogers 1984 -2009 Forever Young”
Ben did this beautiful carving as his tribute to Adam. It is yew tree and the ivy engraving represents eternity. We will put it in the garden by Adam’s arbour.
Ben Jackson
Podge, u r a true legend, Nobody has ever had a bad word to say about u and I will miss you very much. Your memory will live on.
Sikose Mjali
You were always too good for this earth. Thanks for giving me the best memories in Mexico, at St Marys and in this life.
lala ngoxolo till we meet again Podge! xxxxxx
Ben Atherton
Seriously one of the funniest, nicest & most genuine people I’ve ever met. It was an absolute pleasure to call you a mate.

A “Podge Moment”
Olly Smalley
Podge, Thanks for everything I just wish that we could all be more like you. Every memory is a good one, you always managed to make me smile what ever you where doing. Thanks for being such a good friend I couldn’t have asked for more. We have all been lucky to have known you! Such a great guy, the best of the best. I just find my self
asking why u… the most gental one of all my friends. Love you forever mate thanks for everything….
Chris Bourke
Adam was a close friend and had a relaxed outgoing attitude to life. I have lost a friend who I kept in touch with even when in different parts of the country.
We had lots of laughs and happy times at University and in the real world. It upsets me that we won’t be able to share any more good times of banter about football and his haircuts!
Adam’s death has been the most traumatic event in my life. I didn’t know I could feel such anger and sadness.
The world, not just me has lost a remarkable person and his life has left me with a different perspective on life.
Kirsty Pearson
My new best mate … that’s how it feels, I’ve known you about 5 years now but these past 7 months I’ve reallly got to know you and we’ve had such a laugh. I’m just so glad I did have that time because it gives me some very funny memories. Like at my birthday party I pegged you up on the washing line, then those pegs came in handy for that horrible cocktail punch we made. The morning after I found you w
andering the house at 8am trying to get the dog to leave you alone. Just thinking
makes me laugh to myself. You are such a lovely, gentle person, and always happy. I aspire to be a lot more like you. You’re so caring, I must say it’s what you did best. When I worked at the bar and you were in drinking with the boys you always looked out for me and kept me amused, walking down the imaginary stairs in front of the bar until I couldn’t see you, and then I’d see a hand pop up as if you were pressing a button coming back up in a lift, it had me in stitches every time. In my mind I know you will always be looking over all of your family and friends, you will always be with us every step of the way. Save me a good spot up there, but until then, sweet dreams with cherished memories.
Lots of Love xx Kirsty.
Darren Houghton
It’s often said that the good die young. It’s safe to say that you have proven that Podge. I just hope that I can be more like you in my life. Thanks for allowing me the honour of calling you a friend. Already missing you man!
Daz xx
Mark Woodward
I will never forget Ad
am, his warm smile his laid-back nature, his sense of humour, his thoughtfulness, kindness and his gentle voice. Some people are truly special and leave a mark on others lives long after they have gone – your Adam was such a person and I feel honoured to have known him and been able to call him a friend.
Asithandile Mjali
Podge I am truley proud to have known you… you booked my first holiday away to Mexico you, Jamie me and Siko …………………………. I love you like my brother, goodnight.
Debbie Fraser-Higgins
Adam you are a star, you will shine forever in our hearts! God bless you and your family x R.I.P x
Danny Barton
Mate you’ll never know how many people loved you so much and and how many lives you was a great friend for many years and will be sadly missed!you were a legend!!!
Gary Mills
Adam you were a great coach and became a good friend as well – Kevin myself and all the girls will miss you . RIP God Bless you. xxxxx
Vicky Walmsley
No-one inspired me as much as you did, there was no-one who encouraged me as much as you did and no-one could ever replace you. You were the best coach we could ever have had.
We will miss you millions. R.I.P. Adam xxxxx
Sibz Mjali
I am blessed to have been a witness ♥
I know you can see my heart!
Remember this song….from the first CD you burned us….
“Blessed to be a witness”
Corcovado parted the sky
And through the darkness
On us he shined
Crucified in stone
Still his blood is my own
Glory behold all my eyes have seen
Have seen
Some have flown away
And can’t be with us here today
Like the hills of my home
Some have crumbled and now are gone
Gather around for today won’t come again
Won’t come again
So much sorrow and pain
Still I will not live in vain
Like good questions never asked
Is wisdom wasted on the past
Only by the grace of God go I
Go I
I am blessed..I am blessed…I am blessed…I am blessed…
I am blessed to be a witness!
♥ ♥ ♥
Johnny Davison
Missing you mate, pleasure to have known you. One of the most genuine, nicest guys ever. Rest in peace pal, you’ll live on forever in our thoughts xx
Christian Elizabeth Cueva Castañeda
You always will be in my heart, now you are an angel that its with God.. Love u xxxx
Danny Barton
You brought joy and happiness to everyone you met and you will always be was a pleasure to have known you. X
Craig Watson
ul be missed pal. nicest guy anybody could ever wis
h to meet and a great friend. you’l never be forgotten x
Rachel Howarth
Rest in peace Podgey, you will always be in my heart. miss ya! xxxxx
Clare Grimshaw
Rest in peace Adam, will always remember your positive affect on everyone you met and everything you did. love you and will miss you loads.
bye for now x x x x x x x x
Nick Turner
“When he shall die take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night, and pay no worship to the garish sun”.
– William Shakespeare.
We love you,
We miss you,
…We shall never forget you.
Rest peacefully.
Kellie Louise & Rooney-Patel
Making A Difference
“The people who make a difference in our life are not the ones
with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards.
They are the ones who care.
…Only those who care, make a difference”.
I believe Adam was one of those people that made a difference through his caring, selfless and always happy self. He will be sadly missed.
Rest in Peace Adam. You will always be in our thoughts and prayers.
Kellie and Sham
Emma Frith
“You never know what you’ve got until it’s gone,”
I first met Adam when he was in reception class and I was in top juniors and had to look after the infants on wet days. I can only remember 2 of the kids from that class and fate would mean that I’d meet them both again in later life.
Padiham Ladies Football Club
Adam coached Padiham Ladies Football Club for the last few years and he was such a positive influence on every one of the girls that he worked with, it is inconceivable that he won’t be on the touchline when the season starts again. He will never be forgotten and always we will remember how positive an outlook he had towards everything and everyone, even with the odds stacked against you.
We will miss you Adam,
All our thoughts are with your family at this awful time,
with God and looking over us,
Charlotte O’Malley
I still can’t get my head around the fact that something like this can happen to someone like Podge. It just doesn’t feel real.
He was such a gentle, fun friend and I have fantastic memories of him that I will treasure forever.
When we left school Podge wrote to me ‘ALWAYS remember the good times’ – that’s what I intend… to do! He would be proud of the way that all of his friends have pulled together and we can only hope that positive changes come from this unfair tragedy. As someone mentioned retaliation wouldn’t be what he wanted.
Thoughts are with his family. xxx
John Fielding
Its such sad news that Adam has gone. We were in many of the same classes at uni. We always took an interest in how each other were getting on. He was always up for a kick about on the Astro turf. Adam truly was one of the most genuine nice guys you could meet. You will be sadly missed, but i count my self lucky for having the chance to meet u! R.I.P ADAM. X

Another “Podge Moment”
Jennifer Hays
I was on the same course as Adam at Uni, he was such a lovely guy, always happy and friendly. Very sad news about his sudden death, you will not be forgotten Adam R.I.P.
Lots of love and best wishes to his family and close friends at this sad time xxxxx
Hannah Rachel Marren
I remember talking to you many times at St Marys gym having a good old banter. You were a lovely considerate and funny guy. Rest in peace hun xxx
Simon Whitfield
Podge was one of the nicest blokes I know he would do anything for anyone. I think it has come to a shock to everyone that something like this can happen to someone we all know, condolences with his family he was a guy destined for great things. RIP Podge you will be missed
Gemma Radford
I am still in shock about what has happened to one of the nicest guys I have ever met. Adam was such a kind and gentle person that would always be there to help and would never do anything to hurt anyone. He didn’t have a bad bone in his body. He was loved by everyone who knew him and will be greatly missed. Rest in peace we will all miss you!!!
Jane Alexandra Ward
Not how did he die, but how did he live?
Not what did he gain, but what he did give?
These are the units to measure the worth
Of a man as a man, regardless of birth.
Not, what was his church, nor what was his creed?
But had he befriended those really in need?
Was he ever ready, with a word of good cheer,
To bring back a smile, to banish a tear?
Not what did the sketch in the newspaper say,
But how many were sorry when he passed away.
Podge you were a lovely guy and it was an honour to have known you, may your spirit live on xo
Jenna Hammond
Genuinely one of the nicest people in the whole world. Had so many laughs together in class at school. Always the good ones who are taken x
Dan Lord
I can’t really think of anything to say that hasn’t already been said, but I will always remember the Saturday first year uni where we both went watching City at the pub then Burnley on Soccer Saturday in the middle of Lancaster. Also the night it happened the conversation we had in the Knowles. The most gentle and honest lad you’ll wish to meet. You will always be remembered and thought of. Rest in peace my friend. Lordy
Nicola Swann
Couldn’t believe the news when i heard it. Used to go out on nights out with Podge sometimes in Lancaster when we were all loving uni life. Adam was one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met, always had time for a quick chat and he had some of the greatest mates ever. Was looking through the photo’s I’ve put up and remembering the good times we shared at uni xxxRIPxxx

Yet another Podge moment!
Mark Steer
Words can’t describe how cruel it is that you’re no longer with us mate, u were such a top top lad, funny, average at footy (haha, nah u were better than me!) and u worked hard! Remember meeting in library, u always seemed to turn up and have a good laugh at the fact I was trying to finish an essay the hour b4 it had 2b in, rough as houses! u were just so laid back and chilled out and life seemed good 4 ya, just wish you’d had longer to show people how its done! Anyway u live on in mine and evry1 else who knew u’s life and 4 the short time I knew u I just wanna say thanks 4 the memories… Rip podge x
Kirsty Ann Thompson
Podge you were one of the nicest, most genuine people i have ever met. you were kind and friendly to anyone you came across. i feel lucky to be able to call you my friend. Rest in peace. xxxx
Matt Leech
Podge you always brought a smile to everyone when you were around. It was great playing football with you, all the banter that you were a Jonny Macken look-a-like! We have all lost someone very special and no one will forget you.
Debbie Fraser-Higgins
You always knew what to say and when to say it, thanks for everything x
Sian ‘Bridget’ Jones
Podge, you always knew how to make people smile. we will miss u so much. You will never be forgotten. We will all meet again one day. luv ya dude! sian xxx
Matt Barker
Without doubt he was absolutely the most gentle, warm and friendly person i met whilst at university. He also brought a new meaning to leaving things (namely assignments/exams/and pretty much anything else!) to the last milli second which is a strategy i too adopted. He was always keen for a chat, usually about Man City’s shortcomings and always keen for a kick around. more so than anyone i’ve ever met! He was a truly fantastic person and i am delighted to say he was a friend of mine. My thoughts are with your family. Rest in peace Podge. x
Nicola Oatley
Everything that I have thought has always been said, but I do feel honoured to have known you Adam, you were so kind and would do anything for anybody. It’s so sad that you are no longer with us, you will be dearly missed. Make sure you keep and eye on everybody as you will always be in our thoughts x
Liam Noon
Podge, you were one of a kind! Funny and caring! A real pleasure to have known you.
Take care x