Adam’s Story

Adam's storyOn 5th July 2009 our son, Adam Rogers, was killed in Blackburn town centre and our lives changed forever.

What was it all about? The night Adam was killed he was trying to act as a peacemaker. His only mistake was trying to keep a young man away from the area where his friend was being attacked.

The steps that led up to the incident were very basic and so senseless. Carl spoke to a girl outside a club, just friendly chat. The young man who eventually killed Adam was a friend of the girl and he took exception to this conversation and started with the ‘verbals’. There was almost a fight (not involving Adam) but Adam and his friends walked away.

They went to a takeaway and as they came out the other group were walking towards them. The young man who eventually killed Adam decided to throw something at Adam’s group (not to hurt anyone, just a taunt) Carl reacted and spat towards the group. One of the young man’s friends decided he would thump Carl for spitting. Adam and his other friend Chris tried to keep the other two away from the fight trying to protect their friend.

The young man who eventually killed Adam did not like being kept away from the fight, and as Adam tried to shepherd him away he stopped, turned and hit Adam in the face. The punch was so hard it knocked Adam out before he hit the ground. This meant he could not break his fall and the fatal damage was done as his head hit the ground.

Adam died a few hours later at the hospital. A senseless death for nothing – just macho posturing and too much drink.

We set up the charity in Adam’s Memory.

The Lancashire Telegraph have helped us with the launch of the campaign and there are a number of articles available on their website. Look at

On the launch date (18th May, 2010) the Telegraph wrote …”Today the Lancashire Telegraph launches a major anti-violence campaign in memory of Adam Rogers. We are standing shoulder to shoulder with Adam’s family as they set out to raise awareness of the devastating effects of spontaneous violence.”

There are real concerns nationally about a culture in our town centres which sees drink-fuelled revellers turn to violence as a first option. And locally, there have been a number of high-profile cases in which flashpoints have resulted in death and lasting injuries.

After experiencing the horrific consequences of spontaneous violence themselves, Adam’s parents Dave and Pat searched for a way to turn their tragedy into a force for good. Lancashire Telegraph editor Kevin Young said: “This campaign is aimed at tackling a major problem in our society.”

“Too often violence is a first option among young men fuelled by drink.” “The death of Adam Rogers was utterly shocking. All who knew Adam have talked about a very special person who went out of his way to help others.” “Most of us can barely imagine the pain to his family and friends of such a loss, but it speaks volumes for the character of his parents that they are determined to turn this appalling tragedy into a force for positive change.”

“Our call today is for others to join the Telegraph and the Rogers family in our drive to raise awareness of the terrrible consequences of spontaneous violence.”

Lancashire Telegraph crime reporter, Sam Chadderton, has worked closely with the Rogers family and is keen to hear from anyone getting involved in the Every Action Has Consequences campaign. Contact him on 01254 298268 or at