Privacy Policy

Every Action Has Consequences is committed to protecting your privacy when you visit our web site. You can browse our website without disclosing any of your personal data. We do not collect personal information about individuals unless it is knowingly provided such as through email or contact forms and this will only be used to make contact with you.

Disclosure of Information

EAHC will not sell, trade, or give your personal information to others. We do not automatically log personal data nor do we link information automatically logged by other means with personal data about specific individuals. We use IP addresses to compile and provide aggregate statistics about our visitors, traffic patterns, and administer the site. This statistical information may also be related to third parties, but these statistics will not include any personally identifying information, track user’s movement, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. (IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information.)

We collect and record only the personal information that you volunteer while using our services or in requesting further information. From time-to-time we may send you notifications about EAHC news or resources updates. You can at any time withdraw or vary your consent to the sending of this information.

For further information contact

Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files stored on your computer when you visit web pages. We use cookies when only necessary and as a help to your browsing, for example when you’re using a registration form.

If you would prefer not to enable cookies, you will still be able to navigate the site but if you experience difficulties please see the section on Managing cookies.

Cookies are nothing to be afraid of – we don’t store personal or sensitive information in the cookies we create. We present this information to you as part of our effort to comply with legislation, and to make sure we’re up-front and honest about your privacy when using our website.

Cookie Policy

To ensure you can fully use all the features of our site, your computer or mobile device will need to accept cookies. Using cookies is the only way we can provide you with certain features of our site.

Our cookies never store personal or sensitive information; they simply hold a unique random reference to you so that once you visit the site we can recognise who you are and provide certain content to you.

However, if you would prefer to block, limit or delete cookies, you can use your web-browser to do this. Each web-browser has different ways of doing this, so please look at the ‘Help’ menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences.

Third Party Cookies

Some on the cookies stored on your computer that relate to our website will not be directly related to us.
Eg Google Analytics – This is used by many websites and helps us view and analyse visitor information such as; browser versions, visitor numbers, and response to marketing activity. This information enables us to improve the website and your visiting experience. The information stored by these cookies is secure and can only be seen only by us and Google and never stores any confidential information.

Managing Cookies

The majority of web browsers have cookies enabled by default. If you don’t have cookies enabled on your computer, it will affect your experience when visiting our site. If you want to check cookies are enabled please follow the instructions contained within the ‘Help’ menu of your browser.